My dog eats poop and what to do about It

My dog eats poop and what to do about It

If you have a canine companion, you might have encountered the distasteful act of your pet indulging in feces consumption. This act, referred to as coprophagia, is not only revolting but also poses potential health risks for your dog. It can be baffling and irritating, especially when you ensure your dog receives a well-rounded diet complete with all essential nutrients. Why then, would your dog partake in such an act?

This post aims to help you understand the reasons behind why a dog eats poop and what you can do about it.

dog lying nicely on ground

Genetic predisposition

Some dog breeds are predisposed to coprophagia, and it’s not their fault. A genetic link influences this behavior, and it’s prevalent in breeds like Labradors and Beagles. It’s essential to know your dog’s breed and their predispositions to develop the proper strategies to keep your dog from eating feces.

Health concerns

Eating poop may signal some underlying medical issues in dogs. For instance, if your dog’s poop-eating behavior is new, it could indicate that they have underlying health concerns like vitamin and mineral deficiencies, parasites, or digestive problems. It’s best to schedule a visit with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues.

dog looking at camera

Attention-seeking behavior

Dogs are smart animals, and they use various tactics to get your attention. Your dog may engage in coprophagy in the hope that you’ll notice and pay attention to them. If you’ve noticed a pattern of your dog eating poop whenever you’re not giving them enough attention, try to increase your quality time with them and see if that solves the problem.

Environmental factors

Some dogs may eat poop due to environmental factors like boredom, lack of stimulation, or inadequate diet. Dogs are active animals, and they need plenty of physical activity, mental stimulation, and socialization to keep them happy and healthy. Ensure that your dog has plenty of toys to play with and regular walks or runs to burn off extra energy.

dog and woman

Training and management to keep a dog from eating poop

The most effective way to stop your dog from consuming poop is by training them to stop the behavior. You can train your dog not to eat poop by using positive reinforcement training or deterrent solutions like bitter or spicy sprays. It’s essential to keep your dog’s living space clean and free from poop to prevent them from engaging in coprophagy.

Dietary supplements to make poop unappealing

Introducing natural dietary supplements to your dog’s meal plan can be an effective way to curb their poop-eating habit. One such supplement is probiotics, which promote a healthy digestive system and can reduce the attractiveness of the feces to your pet. Another supplement to consider is enzyme additives; these are designed to boost your dog’s nutrient absorption, which in turn, reduces the perceived nutritional value of their feces.

Pineapple is also a well-known natural deterrent; adding small amounts to your pet’s food can make their dog poop unappetizing. However, it is essential to get some veterinary advice before introducing any new supplements into your dog’s diet to ensure they are safe and suitable for your pet’s specific nutritional needs.

dog walking path

Eating poop is a common behavior in dogs that can be corrected through proper training and management. Coprophagia may indicate underlying health concerns, boredom, or genetic predisposition, and it’s essential to know your dog’s breed and any underlying health issues to develop the right strategies to stop the behavior. By understanding the reasons behind your dog’s behavior, you can effectively stop your dog from eating poop and keep them healthy and happy.